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I'm getting random horizontal lines across random parts of the screen though, what's up with that? Google Play services for Instant Apps sdk If this was supposed to only be an update then wow and in terms of speed I got 63 ffp on nmp on my tablet and a out performed nds4droid on a;k games I've tesed, well done but keep the updates going strong btw update doesnt show vsync: What started out as a little code modification to make nds4droid run faster on an entry-level mhz phone, is now a new application!

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My Screen Recorder Releases should happen more frequently after next week, but for now I am going away for a bit. Fullscreen landscape is currently beta; the touchscreen works, but touch area is squished into left half of screen. Your download will available in 9 seconds Download APK. The other ds emulators don't do that.

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This is just like Drastic,it has only 1 difference from drastic,absence of full screen gaming capacity. I wouldn't be complaining! Dseroid Black 2 runs at fps without sound and frameskip 3!

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Video infantil APK Hermosos videos infantiles. Good thing Mac saves old copies of files, or this emulator's source would be unusable and discontinued!

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