Do not include your name, "with regards" etc in the comment. You can check the list of banks for this purpose here: Article by Vandana Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. This is a strictly moderated site. How to join DBTL scheme? dbtl scheme form 1

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Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

Contact Information for LPG cash subsidy scheme: Aadhar - the unique identity no for india: This is an important article shared by you and it is really become necessary for every household to get a Aadhaar card and prove that he is the citizen of this great schheme.

This is a strictly moderated site.

dbtl scheme form 1

How to join DBTL scheme? In order to get the cash subsidy in your Bank account, you will need to follow the procedure to become a Cash Transfer Compliant CTC consumer You will receive a cash subsidy in advance to buy the LPG cylinder at market pricethe subsidy being dblt credited to your Aadhaar linked Bank account.

The address will vary for each city and each LPG supplying company. They will then inform you the reason or will deal with it and revert back to you on the mobile number which you registered at the time of application for the scheme.

dbtl scheme form 1

Look out too for the notifications of the DBTL scheme in advertisements in the leading scehme in your area. Those who don't have Adhar No. How to apply for Aadhaar identification id in India?

Direct Benefit Transfer of LPG (DBTL) Scheme

Phone and register your Aadhaar number. I got a message from Indane that Subsidy will be credited to my HSBC account but now even after a month it is not credite.

The subsidy is sending to some other banks other than that I gave to the agency this gives much inconvenience.

The new logo is depicted with yellow coloured schemme and at the centre with a fingerprint in it. An update for readers: Some of the distributors selling this forms.

dbtl scheme form 1

Dbbtl no spam allowed. Notify me by email when others post comments to this article. Anti Corruption 13 Nov Now how can I get form-4 in website to fill up the form? The subsidy will be provided for up to nine cylinders in a year.

The scheme will be available in 3 different phases see the links provided at the end fofm this article across the country, each phase covering certain regions in each State. The difference between subsidized price and the cylinder's full market price known as the subsidy will be transferred to their Bank account. Send the completed Form 2 along with requisite enclosures to the address given in Form 2. Anti Corruption 09 Oct I am not able to speak to anyone in toll free number as it is always engaged.

Vandana 03 Dec Member Level: Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! In case you do not have a Bank account, then you will need to open a new one and link that account to your Aadhaar Number. Give the completed form to your LPG distributor along schemd the fform enclosures. You can check the list of banks for this purpose here: I don't have aadhaar card. Write detailed comment, relevant to the topic.

S 12 Feb After 31st March from, you will have to pay the market price for the LPG cylinder and the subsidy will only be available to you if you have completed the requisite formalities.


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